As a returning conference attendee, I continue to come away with ideas on how to use the software in new and different ways. I appreciate the opportunity to network with the Hirezon Team and other Higher Education HR Professionals. This is a unique and valuable opportunity.
Erin Perna, The College of Wooster
This was my second year attending the conference and similar to last year’s, I enjoyed everything about it and was eager to get back to the HR team and present the new ideas I learned that could be beneficial to our operations. It was great to see more about the forms module and how other institutions are using it as that will most likely be the next module that we implement. Right now, we are all paper based and I am hoping to get us to a point where all of our forms are electronic. In attending the conference, ideas for the form’s module were flooding in! I look forward to putting all of these ideas into fruition in the near future. I want to thank the Hirezon team for another great conference and I look forward to attending next year.
Meagan Woodruff, Westfield State College
Although I have been using Hirezon/Interview Exchange for over 13 years this was my first time attending the User Conference. I was thoroughly impressed with all aspects of it. The agenda was very well laid out and included numerous informative sessions. This was a great opportunity to meet professionals from other college/university offices, share our different practices, and gain invaluable knowledge to bring back to our own teams. Being able to see how other colleges/universities use other modules we are not currently using was a great benefit. We came away from this conference with the insight needed to get other modules instituted at our university.
James Nicosia, Empire State University
Last year, after attending the 2022 user conference, we implemented the Forms module. This year’s conference has been even more beneficial to us. The Hirezon-Interview Exchange system has proven to be a fantastic solution, greatly improving our team communication and streamlining our forms processes. We wholeheartedly recommend it to others seeking to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness.
Jessica Schavrien, Quinsigamond Community College
The conference is a great way to learn how other colleges are utilizing Interview Exchange as well as learn about technological updates that Hirezon is working on. For example, the Employment Action Form (EAF) that the College of Wooster presented and Hirezon’s MyReferred. Also, I was able to present this year and show other colleges the Payroll Action Form (PAF), including the process workflow, permissions, Task Routing and reporting.
Lisa Toto, Bunker Hill Community College
The staff and customer service at Hirezon are top notch. They make implementing new products so easy! Looking forward to our next project – Onboarding !
Heather Griffin, Empire State University
Thank you for inviting me and allowing me to present the new employee Onboarding process at STCC. Personally, as an HR Generalist, I value the Hirezon-Interview Exchange system due to its user-friendly interface, customizability and its efficiency.
Zoe Cruz, Springfield Technical Community College