HirezonJobs Pay-Per-Job-ATS™ for Higher Education is your complete recruiting solution from sourcing to hiring for your faculty and staff searches. Powered by the industry-leading Interview Exchange Applicant Tracking System for Higher Education.
Automatically pre-screens applicants based on their responses to position-specific qualification questionnaires, and generates customized acknowledgement and thank-you messages.
Enables search committee members to efficiently review and rank applicants, and attach comments, notes and additional files.
Facilitates flexible communication among search committee members and quick and easy communication with candidates.
EEO/AA data collection and reporting.
Comprehensive data for evaluating effectiveness of recruiting strategies.
Candidates’ information is available and downloadable during the entire recruitment process, and for 60 days afterwards.
Technical support is available for all users – applicants, search committee members and administrators.
Higher Education human resources, academic council and search committee members have instant online access to applications from all advertisement sources, as well as confidential recommendation letters from applicants’ references.
User sends a job listing through the Place ATS Order button.
HirezonJobs higher education experienced recruiting experts review your ad and recommend one or more online or print sources that best meet your recruiting needs.
With your approval, we post the job in the preferred sources.
All employment documents (resume/CV, letter of interest, transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.) are collected in your HirezonJobs Applicant Tracking System. These are available online 24/7 for review by search committee members.
User training and continuing support is available during the entire recruitment process.
Please call our sales office at 1 877-599-HIRE (1-877-599-4473) or Contact Us to connect with a member of our team.